e-cigarettes - the industry view?

20 Sep

E-cigarettes – they seem to be increasing in popularity. Indeed two ‘e-bacconists’ have recent opening within 500 yards of our office. What is the industry view?  Does your company have a policy as to whether they can be used in your premises? There does not appear to be a consistent approach but we are seeking to conduct an informal survey to establish what that approach may be.  If you have a view and share them with us, we will let you have a copy of the findings. It will be anonymous, in that we will not identify individual companies.

One national operator - JDW – who apparently has a complete ban on their use, attracted some publicity over this earlier in the year.  Their view was that it was or may be difficult for staff to distinguish between an actual cigarette (which obviously must not be smoked on the premises) with its e-cigarette alternative.

The options would appear to be:

  1. Your company has no policy on e-cigarettes
  2. Your company has a policy and is content for them to be used (or is it smoked!) on your licensed premises
  3. Your company has a policy and e-cigarettes are not allowed to be used on your licensed premises
  4. Your company leave the matter to the discretion of individual premises operators/managers
  5. You have not yet considered the position
  6. This is not a matter of interest or concern to you
  7. Other - please specify

An A/B/C/D/E/F/G (with comment will suffice) as a reply. 

Please email us at johng@john-gaunt.co.uk with ‘E-cigarettes - the industry view’ in the subject matter.

Many thanks.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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